Monday, January 24, 2011

Between the lines

Facebook is defintely becoming a phenomenon. Some people watch "The Social Network" and decide they'll not "facebook" again, but Zuckerberg was right...a movie is not going to reduce the number of unique vistors of Facebook. It will probably be just a few months before facebook becomes a verb in the dictionary like "google", or probably it already is.
Its fun to watch the stuff that comes out of this social networking.
Recently, I started noticing people were giving into the facebook-deactivate-for-sometime syndrome. Deactivating facebook is a painful process... literally time consuming, with giving reasons why you are deactivating and having your friends pictures strewn all over your page saying "X will miss you", "Y will miss you". Finally they give you an easy option "This Deactivation is temporary..I'll be back".
How do you realise someone is suffering from this syndrome? You see that your photos have reduced in number and hence decide to see which of your friends untagged you /blocked you /deactivated their profile. Obviously, you would not realise if you have about a 1000+ photos and a few 10s are missing :)
Another thing is facebook stalking. It ranges from stalking your "celebrity friends" to stalking people you have not met and who unwittingly do not realise about the facebook default privacy options! Finally when you meet the person you have never seen before except on facebook, you wonder where the hell you met her. Good for you if you keep yourself in check and don't keep rambling about her awesome dress which she's not wearing right now.
Every facebook app is a hit because there is someone who would play farmville/ mafia wars, "who will be your 2011 valentine?".
Getting to know if a movie is worth the watch does not require reviews anymore. My news feed had a post "avante ammumeda oru Kandahar" and some 20 odd people liked it.
Broadcasting developments from getting a new job, change in current city, getting engaged etc etc has never been easier.
Another thing is having your family and relatives on facebook. One wrong move in the form of a status update/ a photo which you got infamously tagged in and the likes can have them breathing down your neck.
All said and done.... think before you post is a good phrase for us ;)

P.S: When you are stuck at home with a snow blizzard, somehow facebooking seems a better option than most of the other stuff. Maybe it's just the times and the fanciness.
Talking about fancy, I was so crazy about getting an ipod touch. Finally after getting it, it's been lying inside the box for about a month now. Thankfully, I did not get a BB/iphone.

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