Sunday, February 13, 2011

Life is a Tree

Disclaimer: I am not referring to the tree of life.

Life's like a tree, this makes sense when you look at a tree that has shed its leaves and all that remains are it's barren branches. When we are born, we do not have a choice regarding the time and nature of our birth. We also can not choose between parents, the life we would lead, the religion we would follow etc. That symbolizes the trunk of the tree, thick and strong, no choices, just accept... your childhood.

Slowly, the trunk gives way to branches, which leads to more branches and that goes on, till finally the branches give way to twigs and there is an end, The branches represent the choices we have, the decisions we make and we follow one branch. Ultimately, whichever path we follow, there is death in the end. However, some branches have seeds which end up having fruits. These are those tiny moments of accomplishments in life. As life progresses, the decisions we make increase. Every day we make choices, some are too subtle to even care.

Finally, there is the unseen, the roots of the tree, the foundation. I like to think of it as the 9 months we spend in our mother's womb. When the foundation is strong, the tree is magnificent and healthy.

Lastly, the picture is the tree outside my home, which brought about this philosophical note...


mohamed hanoosh said...

Choices as branches ?

Choices may be represented as a branches in a tree only if only one path is followed in the tree. The normal tree grows in different directions(branches). Life will not make different choices in a problem at the same time.

Kryptonite said...

ofcourse we have many choices to a problem... i think we don't think hard enough... or from a different perspective... mayb not as much as the tree in the pic.
but we definitely would hav more than 2 choices... not to say, it would depend on the problem :)